A rainy summer solstice in Shetland
I had planned to launch the website at the end of the season, with perfect content and no typos. However, I decided that if I aimed for a 'complete and finished' product, then I would never finish it, or be brave enough to publish it and it would simply stagnate somewhere in cyber-space. It should be fluid, right? So, that's why I decided to publish it, warts and all! And, wow - what a lot of feedback I've had, I can't thank everyone enough for all the kind comments and suggestions, thanks to every last one of you.
I was feeling very nervous about hitting the 'publish' button and putting myself out there for scrutiny and judgement, so we watched a film about Winston Churchill to take my mind off it. During the film, Churchill's wife offered him up some sound advice and it felt very fitting as to how I was feeling about taking my own plunge into the unknown. She told him:
"You are strong because you are imperfect, and you are wise because you have doubts".
What better advice could you ask for? And how true it is. In fact, the whole film was full of inspiration, or maybe that was the wine? Whatever it was, it took my mind off my own misgivings.
So here's to the future!
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that matters"
~Winston Churchill
Laurie x